First Published On F&FW - AlterVista -
I was an Imperialist too. Thinking the US Army or NATO could solve the world’s wickedest problems, I saw horrible things on television, like, the worst in Rwanda among Utu and Tutsi, both black ethnicities, killing, slaughtering and torturing one another, till the point I wished “The Americans should send the army and stop them” I saw the cutting clitoridis moms and armed local soldiers threatening of torture mothers and asking them to kill their babies in front of them not to be tortured, the mothers resisted, resisted… but when the knives got near them killed their babies and run away in the forest and people say went crazy, became crazy.
I was a Bush type. We send the Army and they stop. Like we were the good Imperialists.
Now, I want someone to get me rid of Trump. I can’t see why Trump should be the “Right” Trump and Alex Jones are not the Right: they are cowards, peddlers, didn’t serve in the Army and self declare “warriors” with no evidence of it, they hate the real Veterans. Erik Prince and Doug MacGregor are the Right.
This scam new Republican Party that hates the CIA, the Pentagon, the FBI but loves unborn babies has become a hotbed of traitors, together with… RFK Jr, the son and nephew of Soviet spies who probably got really killed by the CIA rightly. How could possibly Kennedy, this acronym JFK spy … by literally bugging the Oval Office to record the conversations with MacNamara or the CIA Director and then invite with his wife “Jackie” and happy family a KGB spy in his holiday home and…. ? And? And perhaps gave him the recorded tapes of the conversations? Be careful, dear Readers before falling into the Kennedy trap: I don’t like these people. The more often they appear on the cover of Vogue, the worse they are, and Jackie was continuosly on the cover of Vogue. So, CIA bad, Secret Service bad, Washington bad… it’s like they want to undo the Union hiding behind accusations of corruption and their frontman Trump is a corrupted man who went bankrupt and I say bankrupt twice. What does he want?
I don’t like them.
But did Bush right?
According to Fox Journalist Pete Hegseth who’s a veteran there was no business for them in Afghanistan, there was no liberation from the Taliban or there was but with a constant presence, there was no Paris or Rome liberated but all in all standing up by themselves, the culture was completely different, according to the veterans what Bush wanted to do was impossible but they did it, because Bush was the Commander-in-Chief and they were the veterans. And 9/11? Who did it? And the oil pipelines? Had they a role in these wars? And Israel? Boh.
But Erik Prince and Doug MacGregor said that the American Army now is not so powerful as it used to be in the Nineties, I obviously believe it. MacGregor went tough, he said they are cuddling baby-seals since the Nineties. Baby-seals? Wow. I hope the standard of MacGregor must be very high, I don’t judge. Even if you wanted to do good, the good World Cop, they say you cannot do it just the same, at this point.
Now we are in a situation where we must restructure the West and, God forgive me, close the door and work at the UN to help the most unfortunate, yes, the UN, what else? I have no other perspective, I was raised like this, what do you expect of me to say? CIA bad, UN bad, NATO bad, Bush bad… Trump good? No. I have no other tools, the tools are in the wrong hands: Biden, but Trump MAGA want to destroy the tools, not to change the hands. The Army cannot be saved by trans and women promoted too easily for quotas, it’s offensive and it’s extremely dangerous, I am a woman and when I was a kid I have dreamt to join the Army, I thought myself invincible, now I wouldn’t do it, some girls did it, I am glad about them, but I don’t think women, gays and trans should be promoted with an inferior performance than again the white straight guys, I’m a Right-winger, I’m not for quotas, I’m for performance.
End of.
This fight inside the Republican Party makes me hate Trump, I would kill him Trump, he’s lucky with Jack Smith who wants only to send him to jail, you have to believe in America, what Trump did is to destroy the Party, the Republican, where Christians, FBI Officers, Cops, Soldiers and Entrepreneurs felt more at ease: now according to him we are the bad ones and Washington must be closed, this is his mantra.
Why don’t you get out? Why can’t you go back to the gay clubs of Democrat New York you come from and leave us in peace?
I want Erik Prince for president and Doug MacGregor for State Secretary, they know the Army and they would solve the problems, it would be a blessing for the World, not just for the USA, Erik can. And I would appoint Tulsi Gabbard as Under State Secretary in the place now infested by Victoria Nuland, she knows the Army, she’s not a quota, she’s not like me who “wanted to do it but didn’t do it” she did it. I like Tulsi.
And she sid it without losing the feminity and humanity some strange female soldiers lost in Guantanamo and in Abu Ghraib.
As for the elephant in the room, the Evangelicals? Prince may have Robert Lee Vander Plaats for Vice President so the Evangelicals “stay quiet”. Not Trump: Trump is no good. Trump is corrupted and does the race with Hillary Clinton about who’s more corrupted. “I did it too, Hillary did it too” I don’t care, you always said that Hillary is a crook and to lock her up then you signed a law to harden the punishement for mishandling classified documents and then broke your own hard law, you are crazy, I haven’t go to choose between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Prince may solve the problems and Doug MacGregor, Tulsi Gabbard too: there are wonderful Americans to be put in the Administration, why Trump and Biden? Now people say that also Obama was a bit gay, God knows which is their aim: unseat Biden? Or leave Biden where he is? What is Obama doing in the shadow that now we must know he’s gay and not “the lover of Beyoncée” anymore? It’s not time to die, anyway, it’s time to build.
Erik, this is still for you to become President of the USA.